Sunday, 15 November 2015

Blog 53 - (Abs) Retrieve Absolute Value

Today's topic is ABS function. We will learn how it works and what the argument is required.

ABS function helps user to retrieve the absolute value from and positive or negative numbers. But before that we need to understand what absolute number is. Just look that below picture might you will go to your childhood.

Absolute value describes the distance of a number on the number line from 0 without considering which direction from zero the number lies. The absolute value of a number is never negative.

ABS function require only one argument and that is number.


Keep Learning
Sanjay Bakshi

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Blog No - 52 - FunctionS in Excel (Days360) & Happy Diwali

Today's topic is Days360 function. We will learn how it works and what the argument is require.

Days360 function returns the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year (twelve 30-day months), which is used in some accounting calculations. Use this function to help compute payments if your accounting system is based on twelve 30-day months.

Days360 require three arguments

1)      Start Date
2)      End Date
3)      Method (This is an optional and logical value which specifies whether to US or Europe method in calculation. False means US and True means Europe)

Keep Learning & Happy Diwali
Sanjay Bakshi

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Blog No 51 - FunctionS in Excel (Day)

In today's topic we will discuss about day function and we will learn how it works.

Day functions returns the day of a date, represented by a serial number. The day is given as an integer ranging from 1 to 31.

=day(Serial No)

Day function require one arguments which is a serial no which is basically a date. Why it is mentioned a serial no, because Excel treat date as a serial no in spreadsheet.

Keep Learning
Sanjay Bakshi

Monday, 2 November 2015

(2nd Nov 2015) - FunctionS in Excel (Datedif)

   In today’s working  environment it is very much important to learn       about Datedif functions. This function basically calculates the number of days, months or years between two dates.
   The DATEDIF function can be used to calculate the time period or difference between two dates. This time period can be calculated as the number of days, months, or years between the two dates.
   Uses for this function include planning or writing proposals to determine the time frame for an upcoming project. It can also be used, along with their birth date, to calculate a person's age in years, months, and days.
    This function is an undocumented function which means it is not     listed with  other date functions. 

   The syntax for the DATEDIF function is:
   = DATEDIF ( start_date , end_date , "interval")
   •Interval tells the function to find
D - Returns the number of days in the period.
M - Returns the period difference as complete months.
Y - Returns the period difference as complete years.
MD - Returns the difference between the days in ‘Start_Date’ and ‘End_Date’.Here the months and years of the dates are ignored
YD - Returns the difference between the months in ‘Start_Date’ and ‘End_Date’. Here the days and years of the dates are ignored.
YM - Returns the difference between the days of ‘Start_Date’ and ‘End_Date’. Here the years of the dates are ignored.

How to use datedif formula

Some Examples : Calculate no of months completed in service

Some Examples : Calculate Age in text format

Some Examples : Calculate no of day's left

Validation Required

Start date should not be greater than End Date
Arguments should not invalid
Use correct unit name

Keep Learning
Sanjay Bakshi

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Functions in Excel =date()

Functions in Excel 


     When we work in Excel it is very important to understand how date calculations work. Date functions plays a vital role in this. For users excel display the date in understandable format but actually excel treat dates as a number while processing.
       Some time in development environment clients will send the in notepad and you need to import that data into excel with date a text format, in those situation we can use the =date() functions and get the accurate date.
       Excel stores dates as a serial no and to know about that serial no we need to use =date() function.

      Date functions uses Year, Month, Day as an argument.

Get the serial no of date

Get the date from text value

Date is the main function to work with dates in excel but there are lot of functions are available. In coming days we will go one by one with these functions.

Keep Learning
Sanjay Bakshi