Sunday, 18 May 2014

Why SQL Server 2014

Hi All,

Now days there is a Version Trend of almost everything. Sometime people doubt that what is the use of Version? Why there are so many products are launching every days. My son keeps asking me that "Dad, we have purchased Samsung Note 2 and now what is Note 3 and etc". He is 6 yrs old and I can not tell him about version so I told him Version means “Deployment of New features which will make you more efficient".

In the same line I am exploring new version of SQL 2014. The first thing I like about SQL 2014, which enables me to create mission critical applications and big data solutions using high performance memory technology across OLTP (
Online Transaction Processing). It uses a common set of tools to deploy and manage database both in our premises and in the cloud which makes me to take advantage of the cloud with existing skills. 

This helps me to implement hybrid cloud computing environment to easily build and deploy and manage solutions that span on premise and cloud.

The main advantage which I see is 

1) Enable to Handle Critical Performance
2) Faster Insight of Data
3) Set Platform for Hybrid Cloud

In another blogs we will go in detail but as of now I am just defining as an example

Mission Critical Performance
SQL Server enables transaction speed up to 30 xs faster with In Memory OLTP (Online Transaction 

Faster Insight of Data
Enhanced BI speeds up the analysis with Excel in office and power BI via Office 365. We can easily create solution from Data Management to BI and Analytic.

Set Platform for Hybrid Cloud
Hybrid cloud makes me enable to keep live data in my premise and backup and disaster recovery on cloud. It is advisable to run SQL Server on Windows Azure to get the benefit of cloud computing faster.

In next session we will understand about OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) in details.

Keep Reading

Sanjay Bakshi
(Keep Calm & Keep Learning)

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