Saturday, 12 July 2014

Accent-Sensitivity in SQL Server

Accent-Sensitivity in SQL Server

Accent comes in picture where an application runs most the queries with first name and last name.

Some application which frequently include the functionality to support database queries based on first name and last name, which is a problematic when names contain accent character and the database is accent – sensitivity

For Example we have a table Emp_Master where we want to check all the names start with TEST, the result should be include


But when database collation is accent sensitive the result include only


If you noticed above queries has left out all the name which are related with accent which is not a desire result.

To get a desire result we can provide two solutions to above

1)       Configure the database so that it is not accent sensitive, change the collation to SQL_LATIN1_GENERAL_CP1_CI_AI
2)       Select * from Emp_Master where fname like ‘TEST%’ collation SQL_LATIN1_GENERAL_CP1_CI_AI

Option 1 is a permanent solution and the so that when you install any new instance change the collation second option is based on requirement so that you do not have to change any database settings

Change the SQL Server Collation

Please remember it is a complex operation and can perform with below three steps

1)       Create the scripts that need to re create the database

2)       Export all your data

3)       Drop all the user database

4)       Rebuild master database new SQL Collation Property by using below command


/SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS=accounts /[ SAPWD= StrongPassword ] 


 Keep Reading!!!!!!!!! (Sanjay) (

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